Math - Eureka Math

We are currently using the Eureka Math Curriculum

We believe that our scholars should generate “aha” moments and joyful connections when it comes to math! Eureka Math® is the most widely used mathematics curriculum in the United States.

Our students will gain a deeper understanding of the "WHY" behind the numbers, all while making math more enjoyable to learn and teach.

Science - Amplify Science

Amplify Science blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.

Our science program foundation is STEAM skill building and scientific discovery.

Students are encouraged to explore and investigate as they develop important core skills that link science with math, engineering, technology, and the arts.

Don't forget to check all the fun science and science game links in your Google Classroom

ELA - Wit & Wisdom

We are currently using the Wit & Wisdom curriculum for ELA.

The curriculum includes knowledge-rich lessons that provide opportunities for students to share ideas, challenge the thinking of their peers, and answer higher order thinking questions. Along the way, students are empowered with original thought and a questioning spirit.

*Social Studies is embedded in the ELA Curriculum


Students have opportunities to explore different genres of MUSIC

Check out a sample of music videos created by our very own music instructor Mr. S.


Students have opportunities to express their creativity through the use of ART.

Check out these instructional art videos.

Dial-a-Teacher - homework help for all

Free help with homework Get help working with your child.

Call on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 4:00-7:00 pm and get help in:

  • Reading
  • Math
  • Writing
  • Science

Help offered in the following languages: English, Armenian, Bengali, Chinese, French, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog.

Storyline OnLine

Listen to classic stories read aloud by actors and actresses
Brought to you FREE by the Screen Actor's Guild


On- Line Reading Program
(All students who attend DOE schools, should contact their school for their username and passwords.)

Starfall Education

Kids Games, Movies, & Books K-3

Free Printable Worksheets for Grades Pre-K- 5

Harmony provides our P.S.159 students with the tools to foster and support social connections among each other and to promote the social, emotional, and cognitive skills they need to successfully negotiate peer interactions, develop positive peer relationships, and thrive in school.

Harmony incorporates multiple methods to teach positive relationships and create an inclusive classroom environment. This multi-layered approach is necessary to build a mutually respectful learning community here in our classrooms.

These goals are accomplished through:

  • Relationship-building lessons and activities that help students learn and practice key social and emotional competencies.
  • Everyday practices that provide students with ongoing, supported opportunities to interact with peers and participate in dialogue and decision-making about issues related to the classroom community.

By combining these approaches, students not only gain interpersonal competencies, but they also have continual experiences that promote the development of positive attitudes and relationships, as well as a supportive classroom climate.

Unit 1 Diversity & Inclusion

This unit promotes a community environment in the classroom as children learn to recognize and appreciate one another’s similarities and differences.

Unit 2 Empathy & Critical Thinking

Children develop empathy (the ability to identify with and understand another person’s emotions), reduce stereotyped thinking, and learn critical thinking skills.

Unit 3 Communication

Healthy and unhealthy communication patterns are explored, and children practice effective ways of engaging with others.

Unit 4 Problem Solving

Children learn constructive approaches to resolving conflict, focusing on conflict-resolution steps that facilitate healthy relationship patterns.

Unit 5 Peer Relationships

Children practice positive social skills and learn the qualities that are important to friendship, the consequences of bullying, and how to provide peers with support.

Sanford Harmony Family Letter

Dear Families:

Fulfilled, happy, confident, responsible, kind, and loving. We have learned that these are goals families want for their children, and as teachers, what we want for our students.

We recognize that as a family member, you are our students’ first teacher and we want to partner with you to help our children become tolerant, compassionate, and caring adults. To support achieving these goals and to help our students build their social and emotional skills, we are pleased to share that we are implementing Harmony SEL in our school community.

Social and emotional learning (SEL) helps children by promoting their health and emotional well-being and contributing to the prevention of violence, truancy, bullying, and substance abuse. In addition, SEL is associated with significant gains on academic achievement tests.

Harmony is designed to build healthy relationships among students by having them engage in activities that promote understanding and respect. Over the course of the five units listed below, students will enhance their abilities to learn, work, and spend time together.

  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Peer Relationships

Information will be sent home periodically, sharing activities in each unit. You will find out more about Harmony Goals, Meet Up, Buddy Up, and other fun strategies being used in the classroom. We welcome your feedback. To learn more about Harmony please visit

Thank you for your support!


Sanford Harmony Pacing Plans

Pacing plans provide flexible ways to incorporate the Harmony SEL Online Learning Portal’s Daily Practices, Lessons, Activities, and Games into your instructional program.

Daily practices are designed to be used 3-5 times per week, while lessons can be taught in one setting, or divided over several days to suit your schedule. While flexibility of pacing is encouraged, Harmony recommends that units and lessons be taught in order.

The following plans are samples of ways the program might be implemented.

The full use of the Harmony program will create the strongest impact, with one full lesson completed each week. This enables all five Harmony units to be completed in less than a school year.

Full use combines the daily strategies of Meet Up and Buddy Up with direct instructional opportunities with lessons, activities, and games.

Meet Up
10 min
Meet Up
10 min
(connect to the lesson)
Meet Up
10 min
Meet Up
10 min
Meet Up
10 min
45 min
Buddy Up
5 min
  Buddy Up
5 min
Buddy Up
5 min
Buddy Up
5 min
15 min 55 min 15 min 15 min 15 min

Harmony Student Question of the Week!

If you could be any superhero, what power would you want to have?

Sustainability Initiatives at our School

Here at P.S.159 we give students the educational programs, physical place, and hand-on experiences that encourage them to become environmentally conscious global citizens.

Our goal is create a learning space for creative thinking, a source of inspiration, and a starting point for developing a sense of awareness and responsibility. The journey to that goal begins with educating students in a healthy and sustainable environment.

We're goin' green with exciting new programs

Con Ed Smart Kids Partnership

We've partnered with Con Edison and the Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program that teaches our students easy ways to use energy more efficiently in their homes.

We're learning how we can be energy efficient and make a difference to our planet Earth

Classroom Growing Labs

Growing labs in the science room help teach students how to grow and maintain vegetables and plants.

It all connects back to sustainable living


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